Now we’re going to heal your broken heart SOME MORE.  We are quantum leaping.

1. Recognize your brokenness. It’s okay. We are all heartbroken in some way. That is what I discovered by working with hundreds of clients and coaching thousands of people.

2. Accept yourself in your brokenness and give yourself permission to heal in various areas of your life.

3. Slow down enough to stop ignoring the pain of your heart. Pay attention to how your heart feels. Ask God to heal the root of each pain.

4. Face your pain so that you can heal it. Don’t run from it. Stop running. Your gift is on the other side of healing the pain. Let go of the things that happened to you, and the things people did to you, let go of the things that happened to you as a kid.  Let go of the pain of not having the love and material things you desired. Let go of the people who didn’t care enough to give you the love you needed.

5. Grieve-  If you’re in the valley, ignore people who don’t understand what you are going through. You must get through this. Don’t stress if it’s taking you longer than expected. Have gratitude for yourself for being willing to go up underneath that pain and heal it at a deeper level.  Your desire to love, peace, prosperity, happiness and to heal your broken heart is what made me appear in your world. You summoned me.  I am one of your greatest manifestations.  That doesn’t say how powerful I AM. It goes to show how powerful you are. You summoned the most powerful heart healer on the planet.  Now, if that’s not one dope azz manifestor, I don’t know what you call yourself.

This isn’t about me. But just think of how far you’ve come since becoming aware of my presence. Look at your progress? Do you see it, how far you’ve jumped? You’ve already quantum leaped in healing your spirit.  Have some gratitude for yourself and how far you have come.   You’ve been through a SEASON, admit to God your honest frustration and pain.

You ask God to take the pain away from you by praying, journaling, and letting it go.


7. Become self-aware Pay attention to yourself. What are the beliefs you came up with because you were hurt?  Now repent from sinful thinking and revert it over to positive thinking.

example; Men are terrible  will change to Men are so good.  Not because all men are good, but because focusing on the good ones, will attract the good ones to you.

8. Break agreements – It didn’t mean what you thought it did.  If someone does “this” it means “this.” Not true. Reverse.

9. Forgive people for the way they treated you. Most times people truly do the best they can with the knowledge they have. Most people actually don’t know how to be a good person and give love to the extent that Godly people do.

10. Change the thoughts that you’ve developed to protect you and approach things in a new way.